Sunday, January 11, 2009

2009 Week Three

1. Please pray for the brothers and sisters among us who have lost loved ones. This weekend, there were four funerals, affecting members from the Cantonese speaking and English speaking congregations. Ask the Lord to comfort and lead them through this time of loss, and to put their hope in our God of resurrection and life.

2. Please pray for the Growing Leaders program which begins in earnest this month. Some key areas:
- 1st teaching session on Saturday, January 31.
- participant mentor-mentee matching to be done a.s.a.p. so that mentoring meetings can begin after first session.
- core group (mentors) briefing and prayer begins this month.
Please ask the Lord to pour out his grace on this program, especially for the strong growth of the sense of community among participants and ultimately among all of us.

3. Please pray for the people and situation in the Middle East, focusing on the conflict in the Gaza Strip. Spend some time to read the news on the fighting, the casualties, and peace initiatives, and pray as the Spirit leads about the people and issues.

4. Please pray for "AC" who is applying to a second medical mission trip to Africa in August to September. AC's desire is to return to the same hospital they served at last time to work with staff and community especially to foster improvements in the area of birth and care of newborn babies. Pray for the application process and for God to direct AC's steps.

5. Please pray for brothers and sisters among us who are suffering physically. Lift up those you know who are sick or suffering before the Lord. Ask for healing and comfort, and practical things such as help from others. Ask the Lord to move any of us to respond and be those helping hands.

6. Plese pray for some among us who are facing challenging situations and people in the workplace. Some have shared that they have a sense of dread as they go to work because of the injustice and meanness they have to face. Pray for God's mercy and sustenance, and for improvement in circumstances. Pray for these brothers' and sisters' testimony and their ability to help co-workers. Pray for change in the hearts and actions of those who are responsible for what happens in the workplace.

7. Please pray for the new Sunday School class in the month of February with a special guest Sunday School Teacher. The area of study will be Marriage and Family, with a focus of parenting. The teacher will seek to answer some of the questions our parents have asked.


  1. "Lord , strengthen us and help us to bear our load of sorrow or mistreatment. Today, I pray especially for those who lost family. I also pray for those who go back to workplaces where tension is high and where openness to giving brings with it a vulnerability to being hurt. Jesus, grant your courage be agents for good among people who are wounded and wounding, just as you were."

  2. This past while, I have been wondering how best to proceed with outreach on campus. It seems that there are two apologetics forums booked in the next short while: William Lane Craig's debates as well as a Veritas forum. I am seeking God's guidance on how we can be involved and contribute to sharing the gospel to the next generation that is forming its world view on the campuses of Toronto. Please pray people to take initiative and come out to hear these debates and to discuss them with friends.


  3. I am just wondering whether these are the prayer items I should continue to focus on. I notice that the prayer item list has been on week three for awhile.


You are invited to leave additional prayer items. Personal prayer requests are welcome, but please be careful about people's privacy. Your comments/prayers will appear after review by Prayerwaller.