Sunday, October 26, 2008

Week Forty-Four

1. Sunday, October 26 is the ESC "Town Hall" meeting. Please pray that the vision and anticipated actions shared by the leaders will resonate with all the brothers and sisters of our community. Ask the Lord to prompt many to give feedback and suggestions so that our vision and plans will be become an understanding and commitment shared by all, and sharpened to really reflect the Lord's will. Pray also that we will together own the future that the Lord blesses us with.

2. Please keep praying for the new 2009 Ministry Group Members who lead the various ministries of our church. Over the next few weeks, they will plan the ministries and work out their budgets for 2009. Ask for the Spirit's guidance upon them and our whole community as we move forward. There will be a one day leader's retreat for all church leaders on Saturday, November 15. Pray for a stirring message from our Senior Pastor, and good sharing between the Cantonese, Mandarin and English communities, as well as within each individual community.

3. Please pray for the brothers and sisters getting baptized on Sunday, October 26. Ask the Lord to keep them strong and growing daily in their walk with Jesus. Pray for loving fellowship and care from our community to surround them so that they never face the challenges and joys of living for Jesus alone.

4. Please pray for upcoming events:- "Fun Fall Festival" on Friday, October 31. This event to be held in the basement and gym of our church is for all children in our neighbourhood with carnival games, stories, prizes and snacks. The goal is to welcome our neighbours and friends, so that they know there are children's and adult's programs here. Pray for a fun time and a good testimony to our neighbours.- Parents and Youth Ministry Meeting on Sunday, November 2 at 12:45 p.m. is for parents to meet their children's Sunday School teachers and fellowship counselors. Please pray for a growing and successful youth ministry for this school year.

5. Please keep praying for the Church Building Project. Praise the Lord for his provision of the money raised on our recent "Church Building Sunday." Ask the Lord to bless, multiply and use the special offering on Sunday, Oct 19 for the glory of his name. Please pray also for:- spring ground-breaking- spiritual growth along with facilities expansion- steady congregational commitment and cooperation- creative solutions for space shortage during building- God's provision: faithful giving, fervent fund-raising (including good participation in the promissory note program), favourable bank financing- smooth building process

6. Please keep praying about the persecution of Christians in parts of India. Although the violence has quieted in the past week, the situation is still very tense. To date, over 32 people have been killed, tens of thousands have fled their homes, and thousands are still believed to be hiding in Orissa's thick forests. Please look up news reports of the situation to pray in an informed way.

7. Pray for our new government elected on Tuesday, Oct 14. Due to vote recounts, one seat has been changed as a result. Ask the Lord to pour out grace and mercy upon our country. May the government govern with wisdom, reflecting the values of justice, mercy and compassion of God who is, ultimately, the one who appoints the rulers.

8. Personal request (continued from last week): Please pray for our members - Laura Sue and her parents, Maria and Walton. Laura has been diagnosed with some hearing loss in both her ears. This may be a result of water and infection in her ears this past summer. No operation or hearing aids are indicated for now. The doctor has asked them to wait 4 months and then go for additional tests. Please pray for Laura's hearing to improve.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Week Forty-Three

1. The 2009 Ministry Group Members who lead the various ministries of our church will be elected and affirmed by the membership at the Annual Meeting of Members on Sunday, October 19, 2008. Please pray for the new and returning Ministry Group Members. Over the next few weeks they will plan the ministries and work out their budgets for 2009. Ask for the Spirit's guidance upon them and our whole community as we move forward.

2. Pray for the spiritual growth of our community. There will be a "Town Hall" meeting during the Sunday School hour next Sunday (Oct 26) at which the ESC leaders will share the church vision for "people group pastoral teams" - the pastoral care of leaders who will in turn exercise spiritual care for others, thus nurthuring and supporting them in ministry. Please pray for a clear and exciting God-centred sharing, and for growing community understanding and commitment to a common vision and plan of action.

3. Please pray for the brothers and sisters who will be getting baptized on the coming Sunday, Oct 26. Ask the Lord to help them get ready for their baptism, and to look forward to sharing their testimonies publicly at the service.

4. Please keep praying for the Church Building Project. Ask the Lord to bless, multiply and use the special building project offering on Sunday, Oct 19 for the glory of his name. Please pray also for:
- Spring ground-breaking
- spiritual growth along with facilities expansion
- steady congregational commitment and cooperation
- creative solutions for space shortage during building
- God's provision: faithful giving, fervent fund-raising, favourable bank financing
- smooth building process

5. Please keep praying about the persecution of Christians in parts of India. To date, over a hundred churches have been burned. Thousands of believers have had to flee, many into the forests, for safety. Please look up news reports of the situation to pray in an informed way.

6. Pray for our new government elected this past Tuesday, Oct 14. Ask the Lord to pour out grace and mercy upon our country. May the government govern with wisdom, reflecting the values of justice, mercy and compassion of God who is, ultimately, the one who appoints the rulers.

7. Please keep praying about the current global economic crisis - remembering especially people who are in difficulty as a result. Pray for God's mercy upon this generation, and for the mobilization of people (including us) to help those in need. Pray also for wisdom for all who manage and make decisions that have global effect.

8. Personal request: Please pray for our members - Laura Sue and her parents, Maria and Walton. Laura has been diagnosed with some hearing loss in both her ears. This may be a result of water and infection in her ears this past summer. No operation or hearing aids are indicated for now. The doctor has asked them to wait 4 months and then go for additional tests. Please pray for Laura's hearing to improve.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Week Forty-Two


1. Thanksgiving and prayer go together: Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful (Colossians 4:2). Take the time to count your/our blessings - what God has done for you/us with faithfulness day after day at home, at work, among friends, acquaintances and strangers. Thank him for the forgiveness of sin, and promise of life with Christ daily. Express thankfulness by way of prayer (conversation and communion with God), and by being watchful (thoughtful daily living in step with the Spirit).

Our believing community

2. Church annual meeting of members on Sunday, October 19. Pray for the election of deacons - there is one candidate. Pray for the affirmation of Ministry Group Members - the many brothers and sisters who will lead in the various church ministries and operations in 2009. May the Lord's choice of his servant-leaders bring glory to his name and bless his people, and everyone we touch.

3. Pray for the spiritual growth of our community. As the leadership begins to work out its vision for "people group pastoral teams" - the pastoral care of leaders who will in turn exercise spiritual care for others, thus nurturing and supporting them in ministry - may the Lord increasingly make us into a community where every person is cared for and has a vital ministry.

4. Remember our students. Thanksgiving is the first real "break" for many who have been studying hard. Ask the Lord to give them refreshment through quality time with friends and loved ones, as well as opportunity to count their blessings. Ask the Lord to give them meaningful student life and studies, a steady growing relationship with Jesus, and a heart to touch others with Christ's love.

5. Please pray for the brothers and sisters in the current session of baptism classes for the October 26 baptism. Ask the Lord to help them get ready for their baptism interviews, and look forward to the public sharing their testimonies at the baptism service.

Church Building Project (685 Sheppard Ave.)

6. Please keep praying for the Church Building Project. With ground-breaking in the coming spring, many things must happen: spritual growth even as the facilities expand; steady congregational commitment and cooperation; creative solutions for space shortage during building; God's provision as well as faithful giving and fervent fund-raising; smooth work and anticipation of issues in the building process, etc. Please pray especially concerning these: (a)With the rise of the current global economic/banking crisis, banks are asking for additional loan financing criteria and/or higher interest rates - pray for the Lord's favour upon loan negotiations. (b) Fund-raising Bazaar/Sale of new goods on Saturday, November 29 needs the participation of many helpers and people to donate new goods for sale.

The world we live in

7. The current global economic crisis will put many people near and far in great difficulty. Perhaps each of us knows someone near retirement whose expected investment savings are now wiped out, or someone who is out of work. Perhaps we find it difficult to accept that this generation is spending the earnings of our children and future generations. Pray for God's mercy upon this generation, and for the mobilization of people (including us) to help those in need. Pray also for wisdom for all who manage and make decisions that have global effect.

8. Marketplace ministry: Some in our community recently attended the "Contempo: Balancing Act" conference on marketplace ministry. Ask the Lord to grow our vision to be his royal priesthood, that is, to be those who minister in the various walks of life in which we find ourselves. Our faith is not meant to be enclosed in the four walls of the church. We are to live it out where we spend most of our most able waking hours - caring for co-workers, fulfilling our vocations with excellence, promoting fairness and justice for all due to our faith convictions, and standing in as Christ to the world around us.

9. Federal election this coming Tuesday, October 14: Please pray for God's mercy upon our country as we go to the polls to elect a new federal government. Ask the Lord to help each one of us understand the platform of the candidates in our ridings, and to choose wisely, reflecting biblical values of judgement. May the government of God's choosing govern as He desires, bringing blessing to our country.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Week Forty-One

For prayer this week:

1. Ask the Lord to pour out his grace on this new prayer initiative, "The ESC Prayer Wall." The "Wall" is simply a way to work out what we feel is a vital and indispensible part of the life of our worshipping community. Ask God to raise in each one of us the urgency to wait before him in prayer. Ask him to move us to prayer individually and together, lifting up to heaven everything the Spirit lays on our hearts.

2. Ask the Lord to renew our vision. This month, the leaders of the ESC need to share a clear message about how we feel the Lord is leading our community. Public opportunities for this to happen will be during the worship service on October 19, and at the "town hall" gathering during Sunday School hour on October 26. Ask the Lord to give our leaders adequate time to pray and decide what to share. Ask the Lord to help all of us to be engaged in developing and living out the vision. Plead with the Lord to move us steadily into being a community that actively cares for and nurtures every person among us, and reaches out to the world around us.

3. Pray for the need for adult leaders for our youth. Ask the Spirit to identify among us youth group counsellors and Sunday School teachers. Ask the Lord to give wisdom to Pastor Clarence and the youth ministry team to discern, equip, and support all our youth workers.

4. Ask the Lord to bring together each person who is in any kind of need with someone(s) who will minister to them by meeting the need. Pray for God to give us a renewed sense of "the priesthood of all believers", that is, we each have a ministry and a vital part of the spiritual life of our community.

5. Please pray for the sick that you are aware of. Ask the Lord to give them a deep sense of his presence with them. Praise God for those who are making progress and/or have recovered from illness. Ask for continued health and a vibrant testimony of the God's goodness.

6. Pray for the followers of Jesus suffering violent persecution in South Asia. Please look up the news available on this issue and bring the situation before the Lord. Please pray for our loved ones who will be returning to South Asia to work.

7. Please pray for the Church Building Project. With ground-breaking expected in the coming spring, many things must happen: spiritual growth even as the facilities expand; steady congregational commitment and cooperation; creative solutions for space shortage during building; God's provision as well as faithful giving and fervent fund-raising; smooth work and anticipation of issues in the building process; etc.

8. Ask for the Lord's guidance and blessing upon our church as we go through our annual process of electing Deacons (every two years) and affirming Ministry Group Members. Ask the Lord to raise up and confirm brothers and sisters to the various leadership capacities in our church family. Our annual meeting will be held on October 19.