Saturday, July 14, 2012

2012 Week 28

As for you, see that what you have heard from the beginning remains in you. If it does, you also will remain in the Son and in the Father.  And this is what he promised us—eternal life.  1 John 2:24-25 (NIV).

1.  Pray that we will continue to abide in Him and persevere in the tasks that He has entrusted to us.  Pray that we will respond obediently to all the teachings we have received from Him or His faithful servants.

2.  Pray for VBS.  Session 1 started on July 9 and runs to July 20.  Ask God to bless the children with fun and spiritual understanding, and enable the counselors to minister the good news of Jesus to them.

3.  Pray for the Building project to continue smoothly.  Pray for the outstanding financial need and ask the Lord to provide tenants soon for the rental floors of the new building.

4.  Pray for the Sunday school classes in July.  Walter Chan will be examining three themes from the first epistle of John - Life, Light and Love.  Timothy Chung will be teaching from the Gospels and the unique perspectives of each book.

5.  Pray for our short term missionaries as they get adjusted to their new surroundings and reach out in the name of Christ.  Pray for a good learning spirit and a servant attitude.

6.  Pray for the discernment of God's will in our search for a pastor for our youth and children.

7.  Pray for the summer opportunities to connect and reach out to our neighbours and friends.  Pray also for those taking vacation time - that it will be a good time of reflection, rest, physical and spiritual renewal, and good interaction with each other.