(1)Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: (2) “The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. (3) So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. (4) They tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them.
Matthew 23:1-4 (NIV)
1. Pray that unlike the teachers of the law and the Pharisees at the time of Jesus, that we will indeed be willing to obey God and put his teachings into practice. There have been several sermons lately admonishing us on our sinful hearts. Pray that we will indeed turn back to him in repentance and follow through on the commitments that we have made.
2. Pray for all the preparations leading up to the occupancy of 685 Sheppard. Pray for the move of the church office in March. Pray for the move to be a smooth one so that church operation will not be affected. Pray for completion of computer network, phone and alarm systems prior to the move.
3. Pray for TDSB's planning and coordination to move in. Pray that they can do so as soon as the premises are ready. Pray for the brothers and sisters involved in working with the designer and contractor. Pray for speedy work for an early completion date. Pray especially for Deacon Koon Hung Leung in managing the process. Pray for guidance, strength and wisdom in serving the Lord. Please continue to pray for the leasing of the remaining space. The sooner we can lease out all the spaces of 685, the stronger our ability to pay off the mortgage.
4. Pray for the Deacons sharing meetings in March. NYCBC is undergoing a major transition. The pastoral staff and the deacons are having discussions on many different issues that will affect how we live as one body in Christ. Please for God's guidance and the conviction of the Holy Spirit and let us continue to work together to build up the church.
5. Pray for the Adult Sunday School class, "Tough questions," taught by Edric Sun. Pray that as we explore these questions that unbelievers may throw our way, we will be more equipped to give an answer to everyone for the reason of the hope that we have.
6. Pray for our ESC Youth as many of them are taking more leadership positions and maturing in their spiritual walk. Pray for continued guidance and wisdom from their mentors, parents, counselors trying to help them. Pray for God to raise a new generation of believers willing to pay the cost of discipleship and carry on the task of fulfilling the Great Commission. Pray for the continued search of a youth pastor. Pray for the right candidate to come along and be able to relate the various issues and challenges that our youth face in school, on campus, or at work.
7. Continue to pray for Walton and the medical staff attending to his needs. Pray for both physical and spiritual healing. Pray for continued strength and comfort for Maria and Laura. Pray for their need to hire a weekend nanny/support worker.
8. Pray for our missionaries ministering in various parts of the world. Continue to pray for protection upon them and their families. Pray for wisdom and patience as they wait upon God's timing to open doors of opportunities for ministry and training to the local people.
9. Pray that as we enter the Lent season, in preparation for Good Friday and Easter, we will be once more reminded of the awesome love and grace of God and will be prompted to continue serving Him. Pray that we will continue to respond to His call of becoming His disciples, even if at times the cost of following Him seems challenging. Pray also for the ability to pass on to others what we are learning from Him.