I speak the truth in Christ—I am not lying, my conscience confirms it through the Holy Spirit— (2) I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart. (3) For I could wish that I myself were cursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my people, those of my own race, (4) the people of Israel. Theirs is the adoption to sonship; theirs the divine glory, the covenants, the receiving of the law, the temple worship and the promises. (5) Theirs are the patriarchs, and from them is traced the human ancestry of the Messiah, who is God over all, forever praised! Amen. Romans 9:1-5 (NIV)
(2) Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. (3) And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. (4) Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should. (5) Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. (6) Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. Colossians 4:2-6 (NIV)
1. May the Lord through His Spirit, give us that sense of urgency and burden (as He did to the apostle Paul) to see those dear to us, family members, friends, co-workers come to know Christ as personal saviour and follow Him as Lord of our lives. Pray for opportunities to share the Gospel to others as well as follow the Spirit`s leading in our interaction with others.
2. Praise the Lord for our 44th anniversary celebration and His faithfulness and goodness to us for all these years. May the Lord continue to use NYCBC for the furtherance of His kingdom. We thank the Lord for the many of His servants who have laboured tirelessly and given of themselves sacrificially over the years. Their labor in the Lord will not be in vain. Our church theme for this year is "Live out Christ`s way. Lift high Christ`s name." Pray that we will indeed be salt and light to those around us.
3. Continue to pray for the Building project. We still need to fulfill the expanded ministry that God has given us as represented by the building, and we still need to pay for the loan on the project. Pray for the ministry of the gospel, and for the good stewardship of the premises/resources with which God has blessed us. Pray for the remaining spaces still to be leased. Pray for the New Building Dedication Service to be held on June 14th. May it be a time of both celebration and recommitment of our lives to God (2 Chronicles 6 and 7).
4. Pray for the Pastoral staff, Board of Deacons, ESC core leaders, ministry group members as well as other leaders. Pray as they continue to serve and seek the Lord`s guidance for the future of our church they will indeed be good shepherds of God`s flock that has been entrusted to them. Pray for God`s grace to make them strong, firm and steadfast in the midst of daily pressures. To Him be the power for ever and ever.
5. Pray for our youth and upcoming generation of new leaders in our church. May the Lord continue to equip and strengthen them as they seek to reach out to their peers and minister to them in creative ways relevant to a new generation that has yet to be impacted and transformed by the Gospel of Christ. Pray for all the summer activities taking place with opportunities to connect with non believers and build redemptive relationships. Pray for the reorganization of fellowship groups as they seek to best minister to the newcomers coming to the meetings or various activities each week. Continue to pray for the Youth Pastoral Search committee as they seek to discern the appropriate candidate for the vacant Youth Pastor position.
6. Pray for the Adult Sunday School class "Myers-Briggs personality descriptions and life in Christ" taught by Paul Zung. As we appreciate the particular strengths, needs and vulnerabilities of biblical characters and then ourselves, may we indeed get a better understanding of how we should function and serve according the type of person that God has called us to be.
7. Continue to pray for the ESC to being able to be more fruitful and produce more disciple-making Christians amongst us. Pray for those already mentoring others as well those who are being mentored. Pray for the Lord to give us patience and perseverance to build a good foundation in those believers who will be able in return to reproduce and pass on what they have learnt to others.
8. Pray for those amongst us going on short term mission this summer or for the upcoming year. Pray for God's Spirit to be at work to the people that they will be ministering to. Pray for their fundraising and prayer support. Pray for God to protect and sustain them as well as enlarge their vision. Continue to pray for our missionaries serving in various other parts of the world. May the Lord continue to use them to minister to people who have yet to hear the salvation message through Christ as well as equip the local believers to carry on the task of making disciples of all nations.
9. Continue to pray for the teaching received from the pulpit and various other venues. As we are challenged by God's word and being reminded of His grace to us, may we become not just listeners but also doers of the Word and become faithful disciples of His, willing to count the cost and follow Him. May the Lord give us discipline, power and perseverance to do all this.
Saturday, June 7, 2014
Friday, April 11, 2014
2014 Week 15
(36) Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to them, “Sit here while I go over there and pray.” (37) He took Peter and the two sons of Zebedee along with him, and he began to be sorrowful and troubled. (38) Then he said to them, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.”
(39) Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.”
(40) Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. “Couldn’t you men keep watch with me for one hour?” he asked Peter. (41) “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”
1. Lord, we are so often like the disciples, failing to keep watch and pray. Teach us to be more like Your son, being willingly submissive to Your ways and obedient till the very end. As we are approaching Passover week, may we be reminded of the price paid for the forgiveness of our sins and once more be very thankful for His salvation plan.
2. Praise Him for the new worship spaces that He is allowing us to have at 685 Sheppard Ave E. Praise Him for His grace, mercy and faithfulness to us during all these years leading up to finally occupy this new building. Praise Him for those who have sacrificially given of their time and resources towards the completion of the building. Pray for the remaining spaces still to be leased. Pray for our main tenant TDSB's planning and coordination to move in as soon as possible as their fitting out permit application has been granted. Pray for the opportunities to connect with the potential users of the services which will be offered.
3. Continue to pray for the Pastoral staff, Board of Deacons, and other leaders. Much still remains to be done. Pray that we will be faithful to fulfill the mandate given to us to go and make disciples of all nations. Pray for a clear vision to allow us to continue to move forward. Pray for the newcomers who will be visiting us in the new building, that they will indeed feel welcome and experience God's spirit at work amongst us. Pray for opportunities to minister in His name and touch people's lives in their area of need.
4. Pray for the Secret Church Live Simulcast, taught by pastor and author David Platt to be held on Good Friday. Pray for that opportunity to come together to receive extended gospel centered teaching and identify in a limited sense with the persecuted church.
5. Pray for the ESC spring retreat to be held April 25-27. Pray for our speaker Will Lee as well as those coming to the retreat. Pray for good interaction and opportunity to encourage and uplift each other. Pray for spiritual renewal and God's spirit to minister to everyone coming in a very personal way.
6. Pray for James Lam and the Adult Sunday School class " Mental health in the Christian community." Pray for increased awareness and understanding on how to provide practical support to those with mental illness and their families. Pray that we will become a community that really cares to the people around us with unspoken needs or issues that are very often stigmatized or misunderstood. John 13:34-35.
7. Continue to pray for our missionaries as many will probably get the opportunity during this Easter season to share the salvation message and proclaim that Jesus is indeed risen. Pray also for those amongst us who are contemplating missionary work for this summer or in the near future. Some of us might have been challenged at the recent Missionfest 2014. Pray for God to confirm the calling and to guide step by step.
8. Pray for those among us who are sick or have family members or friends who are sick and/or facing various testing or disappointments. Pray for ability to be there to listen and comfort and show God's love and grace. Continue to pray for Walton's full recovery as well as for Maria and Laura for God to continue to sustain them.
(36) Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to them, “Sit here while I go over there and pray.” (37) He took Peter and the two sons of Zebedee along with him, and he began to be sorrowful and troubled. (38) Then he said to them, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.”
(39) Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.”
(40) Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. “Couldn’t you men keep watch with me for one hour?” he asked Peter. (41) “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”
Matthew 26:36-41 (NIV)
1. Lord, we are so often like the disciples, failing to keep watch and pray. Teach us to be more like Your son, being willingly submissive to Your ways and obedient till the very end. As we are approaching Passover week, may we be reminded of the price paid for the forgiveness of our sins and once more be very thankful for His salvation plan.
2. Praise Him for the new worship spaces that He is allowing us to have at 685 Sheppard Ave E. Praise Him for His grace, mercy and faithfulness to us during all these years leading up to finally occupy this new building. Praise Him for those who have sacrificially given of their time and resources towards the completion of the building. Pray for the remaining spaces still to be leased. Pray for our main tenant TDSB's planning and coordination to move in as soon as possible as their fitting out permit application has been granted. Pray for the opportunities to connect with the potential users of the services which will be offered.
3. Continue to pray for the Pastoral staff, Board of Deacons, and other leaders. Much still remains to be done. Pray that we will be faithful to fulfill the mandate given to us to go and make disciples of all nations. Pray for a clear vision to allow us to continue to move forward. Pray for the newcomers who will be visiting us in the new building, that they will indeed feel welcome and experience God's spirit at work amongst us. Pray for opportunities to minister in His name and touch people's lives in their area of need.
4. Pray for the Secret Church Live Simulcast, taught by pastor and author David Platt to be held on Good Friday. Pray for that opportunity to come together to receive extended gospel centered teaching and identify in a limited sense with the persecuted church.
5. Pray for the ESC spring retreat to be held April 25-27. Pray for our speaker Will Lee as well as those coming to the retreat. Pray for good interaction and opportunity to encourage and uplift each other. Pray for spiritual renewal and God's spirit to minister to everyone coming in a very personal way.
6. Pray for James Lam and the Adult Sunday School class " Mental health in the Christian community." Pray for increased awareness and understanding on how to provide practical support to those with mental illness and their families. Pray that we will become a community that really cares to the people around us with unspoken needs or issues that are very often stigmatized or misunderstood. John 13:34-35.
7. Continue to pray for our missionaries as many will probably get the opportunity during this Easter season to share the salvation message and proclaim that Jesus is indeed risen. Pray also for those amongst us who are contemplating missionary work for this summer or in the near future. Some of us might have been challenged at the recent Missionfest 2014. Pray for God to confirm the calling and to guide step by step.
8. Pray for those among us who are sick or have family members or friends who are sick and/or facing various testing or disappointments. Pray for ability to be there to listen and comfort and show God's love and grace. Continue to pray for Walton's full recovery as well as for Maria and Laura for God to continue to sustain them.
Sunday, March 9, 2014
2014 Week 10
A Warning Against Hypocrisy
(1)Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: (2) “The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. (3) So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. (4) They tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them.
1. Pray that unlike the teachers of the law and the Pharisees at the time of Jesus, that we will indeed be willing to obey God and put his teachings into practice. There have been several sermons lately admonishing us on our sinful hearts. Pray that we will indeed turn back to him in repentance and follow through on the commitments that we have made.
2. Pray for all the preparations leading up to the occupancy of 685 Sheppard. Pray for the move of the church office in March. Pray for the move to be a smooth one so that church operation will not be affected. Pray for completion of computer network, phone and alarm systems prior to the move.
3. Pray for TDSB's planning and coordination to move in. Pray that they can do so as soon as the premises are ready. Pray for the brothers and sisters involved in working with the designer and contractor. Pray for speedy work for an early completion date. Pray especially for Deacon Koon Hung Leung in managing the process. Pray for guidance, strength and wisdom in serving the Lord. Please continue to pray for the leasing of the remaining space. The sooner we can lease out all the spaces of 685, the stronger our ability to pay off the mortgage.
4. Pray for the Deacons sharing meetings in March. NYCBC is undergoing a major transition. The pastoral staff and the deacons are having discussions on many different issues that will affect how we live as one body in Christ. Please for God's guidance and the conviction of the Holy Spirit and let us continue to work together to build up the church.
5. Pray for the Adult Sunday School class, "Tough questions," taught by Edric Sun. Pray that as we explore these questions that unbelievers may throw our way, we will be more equipped to give an answer to everyone for the reason of the hope that we have.
6. Pray for our ESC Youth as many of them are taking more leadership positions and maturing in their spiritual walk. Pray for continued guidance and wisdom from their mentors, parents, counselors trying to help them. Pray for God to raise a new generation of believers willing to pay the cost of discipleship and carry on the task of fulfilling the Great Commission. Pray for the continued search of a youth pastor. Pray for the right candidate to come along and be able to relate the various issues and challenges that our youth face in school, on campus, or at work.
7. Continue to pray for Walton and the medical staff attending to his needs. Pray for both physical and spiritual healing. Pray for continued strength and comfort for Maria and Laura. Pray for their need to hire a weekend nanny/support worker.
8. Pray for our missionaries ministering in various parts of the world. Continue to pray for protection upon them and their families. Pray for wisdom and patience as they wait upon God's timing to open doors of opportunities for ministry and training to the local people.
9. Pray that as we enter the Lent season, in preparation for Good Friday and Easter, we will be once more reminded of the awesome love and grace of God and will be prompted to continue serving Him. Pray that we will continue to respond to His call of becoming His disciples, even if at times the cost of following Him seems challenging. Pray also for the ability to pass on to others what we are learning from Him.
(1)Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: (2) “The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. (3) So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. (4) They tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them.
Matthew 23:1-4 (NIV)
1. Pray that unlike the teachers of the law and the Pharisees at the time of Jesus, that we will indeed be willing to obey God and put his teachings into practice. There have been several sermons lately admonishing us on our sinful hearts. Pray that we will indeed turn back to him in repentance and follow through on the commitments that we have made.
2. Pray for all the preparations leading up to the occupancy of 685 Sheppard. Pray for the move of the church office in March. Pray for the move to be a smooth one so that church operation will not be affected. Pray for completion of computer network, phone and alarm systems prior to the move.
3. Pray for TDSB's planning and coordination to move in. Pray that they can do so as soon as the premises are ready. Pray for the brothers and sisters involved in working with the designer and contractor. Pray for speedy work for an early completion date. Pray especially for Deacon Koon Hung Leung in managing the process. Pray for guidance, strength and wisdom in serving the Lord. Please continue to pray for the leasing of the remaining space. The sooner we can lease out all the spaces of 685, the stronger our ability to pay off the mortgage.
4. Pray for the Deacons sharing meetings in March. NYCBC is undergoing a major transition. The pastoral staff and the deacons are having discussions on many different issues that will affect how we live as one body in Christ. Please for God's guidance and the conviction of the Holy Spirit and let us continue to work together to build up the church.
5. Pray for the Adult Sunday School class, "Tough questions," taught by Edric Sun. Pray that as we explore these questions that unbelievers may throw our way, we will be more equipped to give an answer to everyone for the reason of the hope that we have.
6. Pray for our ESC Youth as many of them are taking more leadership positions and maturing in their spiritual walk. Pray for continued guidance and wisdom from their mentors, parents, counselors trying to help them. Pray for God to raise a new generation of believers willing to pay the cost of discipleship and carry on the task of fulfilling the Great Commission. Pray for the continued search of a youth pastor. Pray for the right candidate to come along and be able to relate the various issues and challenges that our youth face in school, on campus, or at work.
7. Continue to pray for Walton and the medical staff attending to his needs. Pray for both physical and spiritual healing. Pray for continued strength and comfort for Maria and Laura. Pray for their need to hire a weekend nanny/support worker.
8. Pray for our missionaries ministering in various parts of the world. Continue to pray for protection upon them and their families. Pray for wisdom and patience as they wait upon God's timing to open doors of opportunities for ministry and training to the local people.
9. Pray that as we enter the Lent season, in preparation for Good Friday and Easter, we will be once more reminded of the awesome love and grace of God and will be prompted to continue serving Him. Pray that we will continue to respond to His call of becoming His disciples, even if at times the cost of following Him seems challenging. Pray also for the ability to pass on to others what we are learning from Him.
Saturday, February 8, 2014
2014 Week 6
Jesus the Bread of Life
(27) Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. For on him God the Father has placed his seal of approval.”
(28) Then they asked him, “What must we do to do the works God requires?”
(29) Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.”
(35) Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.
1. As we come to Jesus in prayer, may we indeed remember that He is the Bread of Life and the One who can satisfy our deepest needs. Lord, we want to come to you in faith, believing that you are faithful to all your promises.
2. Pray for the Board of Deacons in the many decisions it needs to take as it seeks to prepare NYCBC for successful church ministry using combined 675 and 685 premises. We need to build up funds for the maturity of Promissory notes at the end of the year and also need to ensure a stable transition plan for staffing strategy. Pray also for the formation of new teams as the old teams are being dissolved. Pray again for smooth transition as the baton is being passed on and new responsibilities are assigned.
3. Continue to pray for the Pastoral team as they plan ahead for the future. Pray for continued growth both spiritually and numerically in all three congregations. Pray that our zeal for Him and His Kingdom will not diminish even if at times the challenge seems enormous.
4. Pray for the Occupancy Team and all the preparations involved in the fast approaching 675 -> 685 move. Pray for good cooperation and coordination within the various ministry/fellowship groups as well as for all the volunteers that will be needed or recruited for the various tasks involved.
5. Pray for the Adult Sunday School and our guest SS teacher, Pastor Louis Leung of Flow ministries and his teaching on the vital subject of Discipleship. Pray that we will be able to incorporate what we learn in our daily lives. Pray for willingness to embrace the Cross, deny ourselves and follow Him.
6. Pray for those among us who are sick. Please continue to pray for our brother Walton and uphold Maria and Laura to stay strong and trusting in the Lord.
7. Pray for our missionaries and for God's protection to be upon them and their family. Pray also for those seeking or renewing visas in the countries where they want to minister in.
8. Pray for continued spiritual growth for ourselves. Pray that we will indeed experience His love and glory in a fresh way and as we are being tested in everyday life, the reality of our faith and our transformation will be evident to others and bring glory to His name. Lord give us the " vision on the mountain" to prepare us for the needs in the valley.
(27) Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. For on him God the Father has placed his seal of approval.”
(28) Then they asked him, “What must we do to do the works God requires?”
(29) Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.”
John 6:27-29 (NIV)
John 6:35 (NIV)
1. As we come to Jesus in prayer, may we indeed remember that He is the Bread of Life and the One who can satisfy our deepest needs. Lord, we want to come to you in faith, believing that you are faithful to all your promises.
2. Pray for the Board of Deacons in the many decisions it needs to take as it seeks to prepare NYCBC for successful church ministry using combined 675 and 685 premises. We need to build up funds for the maturity of Promissory notes at the end of the year and also need to ensure a stable transition plan for staffing strategy. Pray also for the formation of new teams as the old teams are being dissolved. Pray again for smooth transition as the baton is being passed on and new responsibilities are assigned.
3. Continue to pray for the Pastoral team as they plan ahead for the future. Pray for continued growth both spiritually and numerically in all three congregations. Pray that our zeal for Him and His Kingdom will not diminish even if at times the challenge seems enormous.
4. Pray for the Occupancy Team and all the preparations involved in the fast approaching 675 -> 685 move. Pray for good cooperation and coordination within the various ministry/fellowship groups as well as for all the volunteers that will be needed or recruited for the various tasks involved.
5. Pray for the Adult Sunday School and our guest SS teacher, Pastor Louis Leung of Flow ministries and his teaching on the vital subject of Discipleship. Pray that we will be able to incorporate what we learn in our daily lives. Pray for willingness to embrace the Cross, deny ourselves and follow Him.
6. Pray for those among us who are sick. Please continue to pray for our brother Walton and uphold Maria and Laura to stay strong and trusting in the Lord.
7. Pray for our missionaries and for God's protection to be upon them and their family. Pray also for those seeking or renewing visas in the countries where they want to minister in.
8. Pray for continued spiritual growth for ourselves. Pray that we will indeed experience His love and glory in a fresh way and as we are being tested in everyday life, the reality of our faith and our transformation will be evident to others and bring glory to His name. Lord give us the " vision on the mountain" to prepare us for the needs in the valley.
Friday, January 10, 2014
2014 Week 2
The Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl
“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.
“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.
Matthew 12:44-46 (NIV)
But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith.
Philippians 3:7-9 (NIV)
1. As we start the New Year, may the Lord help us in reassessing our priorities in all areas of our lives. To whoever seeks first His Kingdom and His righteousness, He has promised that all these things will be given to us as well. There is much to be thankful for the past year but there are also lots of challenges ahead of us for the year to come. May we continue to rely upon Him and be in tune with the Holy Spirit's guidance all along the way.
2. Pray for the building project and all the preparations for the new building occupancy. May the Lord grant us the unity and strength to complete His task. Please continue to pray for good and suitable tenants and the remaining spaces to be leased on the 4th and 5th floors. Pray for the completion of all the lease formalities and renovation procedures. Pray also for the all the "after occupancy" administrative and financial details to be looked after.
3. Continue to pray for the Pastoral staff, deacons and other leaders with all the challenges ahead as we step into a new building. Pray for them as they lead and shepherd the flock. Pray for a clear vision to be imparted and for more labourers in the harvest field. Pray for strength, endurance and deep reliance upon Him as well as willingness to obey Him and follow His promptings. May the Lord be glorified in our midst.
4. Pray for all the various ministry group meetings scheduled for January/ February. Pray as the ministry group leaders meet and plan ahead for the year to come, they will be guided by Him. Pray for wisdom and unity of vision and purpose in all the decisions and action plans to be made.
5. Pray for the Sunday School class taught by Pastor Richard on “Gospel and Work”. So often we find ourselves driven to meet increasing work demands. Pray that as we look at a distinctively Christian view of work and explore biblical wisdom relevant to our questions about work, we will be able to make it applicable to our situation and find answers to questions like “Why am I doing this work?” “Why is it so hard?” “Is there anything we can do about it?”
6. Continue to pray for our youth as we are still searching for a Youth Pastor. Pray for all the helpers and counselors as they shoulder the workload and strive to grow and lead others into maturity in Christ. Pray that God will raise up a new generation of young leaders amongst us as they seek to reach out to their peers and make His name known to them.
7. Pray for the community service programs to begin in earnest in April 2014. Pray for volunteers response as we seek to help out in various areas from support to programming to running activities. Pray that as we seek to reach to the community around us in a variety of ways, people's lives will be touched in a practical manner and His name will be honoured.
8. Continue to pray for our missionaries as they also plan ahead for the New Year. Pray for those returning to the mission field after home assignment as they renew the contacts or deepen the relationships and build upon what has been started. Pray for those planning for future short term or long term assignments that God will continue to guide their paths and confirm the calling He has upon their lives.
“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.
“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.
Matthew 12:44-46 (NIV)
But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith.
Philippians 3:7-9 (NIV)
1. As we start the New Year, may the Lord help us in reassessing our priorities in all areas of our lives. To whoever seeks first His Kingdom and His righteousness, He has promised that all these things will be given to us as well. There is much to be thankful for the past year but there are also lots of challenges ahead of us for the year to come. May we continue to rely upon Him and be in tune with the Holy Spirit's guidance all along the way.
2. Pray for the building project and all the preparations for the new building occupancy. May the Lord grant us the unity and strength to complete His task. Please continue to pray for good and suitable tenants and the remaining spaces to be leased on the 4th and 5th floors. Pray for the completion of all the lease formalities and renovation procedures. Pray also for the all the "after occupancy" administrative and financial details to be looked after.
3. Continue to pray for the Pastoral staff, deacons and other leaders with all the challenges ahead as we step into a new building. Pray for them as they lead and shepherd the flock. Pray for a clear vision to be imparted and for more labourers in the harvest field. Pray for strength, endurance and deep reliance upon Him as well as willingness to obey Him and follow His promptings. May the Lord be glorified in our midst.
4. Pray for all the various ministry group meetings scheduled for January/ February. Pray as the ministry group leaders meet and plan ahead for the year to come, they will be guided by Him. Pray for wisdom and unity of vision and purpose in all the decisions and action plans to be made.
5. Pray for the Sunday School class taught by Pastor Richard on “Gospel and Work”. So often we find ourselves driven to meet increasing work demands. Pray that as we look at a distinctively Christian view of work and explore biblical wisdom relevant to our questions about work, we will be able to make it applicable to our situation and find answers to questions like “Why am I doing this work?” “Why is it so hard?” “Is there anything we can do about it?”
6. Continue to pray for our youth as we are still searching for a Youth Pastor. Pray for all the helpers and counselors as they shoulder the workload and strive to grow and lead others into maturity in Christ. Pray that God will raise up a new generation of young leaders amongst us as they seek to reach out to their peers and make His name known to them.
7. Pray for the community service programs to begin in earnest in April 2014. Pray for volunteers response as we seek to help out in various areas from support to programming to running activities. Pray that as we seek to reach to the community around us in a variety of ways, people's lives will be touched in a practical manner and His name will be honoured.
8. Continue to pray for our missionaries as they also plan ahead for the New Year. Pray for those returning to the mission field after home assignment as they renew the contacts or deepen the relationships and build upon what has been started. Pray for those planning for future short term or long term assignments that God will continue to guide their paths and confirm the calling He has upon their lives.
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