44Yet he took note of their distress
when he heard their cry;
45for their sake he remembered his covenant
and out
of his great love he relented.
46He caused all who held them captive
to show them mercy.
47Save us, Lord our God,
gather us from the nations,
that we may give
thanks to your holy name
and glory in your praise.
48Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel,
from everlasting to everlasting.
Let all the people
say, “Amen!”
the Lord.
106:44-48 (NIV)
1. Pray for God's grace and mercy to be poured out in our church and our lives as we seek His face and cry to Him for our needs. Pray for a repentant heart for any who needs to turn back to Him. Praise Him again for His covenant to us through Christ. May His name continue to be glorified in our midst.
2. Please continue to pray for the Building project and the still many challenges ahead of us. Pray for smooth completion of the building and all the necessary permits to be obtained. Please also pray for our dearest brothers and sisters who are deeply involved in the building project. The workload is very demanding and challenging. They NEED our prayer support! Please give them the encouragement and ask them for specific prayer items. Pray for wisdom for the LST to work out mutually satisfactory arrangement for delivering leased premise to tenants for their interior construction to work. There are logistic and regulatory issues to work out. Pray for tenants' receptiveness and our wisdom to collaborate.
3. Pray for VBS. Session 1 goes from July 8 to 19th. Ask God to bless the children with fun and spiritual understanding, and enable the counselors to minister the good news of Jesus to them. Pray also for our Summer Conference which goes from July 19th to 21st. Pray for our guest speaker Rev. Louis Leung as he prepares and shares on the theme this year which is "Toward the Measure of Maturity". Pray for the revival meeting on Friday night and the messages to be delivered on the weekend. Pray also for Pastor Fanny and the Children's ministry for this year's retreat.
4. Pray for Timothy Chung's Sunday school class as he teaches on "The Story of God" since the beginning of time. Pray that through getting the overall picture, we will learn to love and fear God more, and also become more excited to be part of His mission to make all things new.
5. Continue to pray for our youth ministry as many of the leaders are seeking to encourage their peers in a deeper relationship with Him and also trying to reach out to the community around them through sharing of the Gospel and experiencing His transforming power at work. Pray for continued zeal for Him and wisdom from above to listen to those they are trying to share the Good News with. Pray for Pastor Allen as he settles down and prepares for his ministry amongst us in the fall.
6. Pray for our missionaries as they continue to build redemptive relationships with those who have yet to hear of the Gospel. Pray for boldness and wisdom to share of our faith in Him. Pray for the Muslim world and our Muslim friends during the Islamic month of Ramadan ( July 9 to August 7).
7. Pray for opportunities to be a light for Him this summer as we interact and mingle with relatives and friends in informal gatherings around a BBQ, outdoor activities, various festivities or get-together. Pray for a good time of rest and renewal for those taking some vacation time. Pray also for those amongst us in special need of His love, grace and comfort during this time.