1. Pray that we will indeed have boldness to continue to draw near to the throne of Grace and bring our petitions in faith to a God who listens to our prayers and is able to do immeasurably more than all we can ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us. To Him be the glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever!
2. Pray for Church Expansion Project and the Construction Project Team (CPT) who is overseeing all the administrative details and needs wisdom in the many decisions to be made on a daily basis. All the latest updates are being made available in the bulletin inserts each week. Pray for the Leasing Strategy Team and the urgent need of renting at least 50% of the 4th and 5th floor. Pray for the relationship with Fieldgate as there are a number of delays and extra cost items to be resolved. Pray for the CPT to have wisdom and skills to negotiate fair and reasonable agreements and for controlling costs. Pray for good physical and spiritual well being for all those working on the Church Expansion Project. Praise the Lord that the application for adding medical use for our building was approved by the Committee of Adjustment.
3. Pray for the Pastoral staff, the Board of Deacons and other leaders as they communicate details of the various needs of the Building project to the congregations. Pray for unity of purpose and vision. Pray for a strong faith and a heart of thanksgiving within the congregations as we prepare for moving in the new building to serve Him together.
4. Pray for the ESC Sunday School class on Evangelism taught by Josh Lau. Pray that it will stir up an urgency for us to have a passion for lost souls and verbally share the good news to those around us who have yet to hear of His salvation. Paul in Romans 9:2-3 (NIV) declares, “I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart. For I could wish that I myself were cursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my brothers, those of my own race.” Pray for commitment to pray on a regular basis for our “Top 5” or whoever God puts in our circle of influence.
5. Pray for renewed commitment and dedication to Him as we approach Good Friday and prepare for the Easter services. Pray that we will again be struck by the awesome love of Christ who paved the way for us to be reconciled to God. “And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again” 2 Corinthians 5:15 (NIV). Pray for opportunity to invite friends and relatives to the special services and that their hearts will be receptive to the truth of the Gospel and the testimony of His people.
6. Pray for those who are getting baptized on Easter Sunday. Pray that as they take that step of obedience and publicly declare their faith in Him, they will be able to boldly share their testimony and be an encouragement to others. Continue to pray for those amongst us that are currently being discipled by more mature believers. Pray that as we all count the cost of being His disciple, we will learn to continually yield to Him and allow Him to be the Lord of our lives.
7. Continue to pray for those in need of His grace or comfort right now. Pray that they will keep their eyes fixed on Him and the eternal glory to come and be sustained by the amazing love of Christ who has promised us that He will never leave us or forsake us. Pray that they will be inwardly renewed day by day and for God's power to keep them safe in His hand.
8. Pray for our missionaries ministering in various parts of the world. Pray for protection for their families as well. For those seeking visa renewals, may the Lord grant them favour in all the administrative details to be looked after. Pray for continued wisdom in reaching out to the community around them and may the Lord continue to open doors of opportunities for the message of Christ to be proclaimed.
9. Pray for the follow-up of this past week’s (Monday to Thursday) evangelistic meetings “Honouring Members of the Catering Industry,” designed for people who work in the restaurant business. Many attended the meetings at various churches around the city, with a good number turning from sin and putting their faith in Jesus as Lord and Saviour. May our churches continue the movement by developing adequate follow-up, including providing church services and ministries suitable to the life schedules of people in the restaurant business.