Saturday, September 8, 2012

2012 Week 36

A Living Sacrifice

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.  Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.  Romans 12:1-2 (NIV).

1. As we ponder on His mercy towards us, may we in return gratefully and joyfully give back of ourselves to Him.

2. Our church is entering a critical phase in its building expansion project.  Continue to pray for our participation into it.  The fundraising team invites us to support the "Five Talents" initiative.

3. Pray for our pastor and the leadership team.  A comment left on the blog back in June asks us to " pray that Christ will give our pastor the strength not just to fulfil duties but the assurance that He walks with him always.  The life-force of the Vine invigorates the branch to bear fruit, and it is Jesus, working in him, who builds up the walls of His church."

4. Pray for the Sunday School class, 2 Corinthians, taught by Pastor Lu-Lu Ling.

5. Pray for those amongst us who have enrolled for the BSF classes, starting this fall on the book of Genesis.  Pray for strength and diligence to do all the assignments.  Pray for good class participation every week.

6. Pray for our students who have just returned or are returning to a new school year:
- Wisdom for elementary and secondary school students as they settle into new routines and choose their weekly activities.  May the Lord bless them with a good academic year, and also with a deepened walk with the Lord Jesus.
- Adaptability and perseverance for college/university students as they deal with the stresses of new environments and increased workload.  May they grow in dependence upon the Lord.
- Pray for our youth fellowship and campus groups and for their counselors as they plan for the academic year.  Pray for boldness to share their faith as well as endurance to stand firm in times of testing and trials.

7. Continue to pray for renewed zeal for Him.  May we who claim to be his followers obey the command to go make disciples of every nation.  Pray for those amongst us who are being discipled right now.  May the Lord give them the ability to reproduce into others some of what they are learning.

8. Pray for nomination and approval of Ministry Group Members for 2013.  May the Lord give us discernment and obedience to support and cooperate with the leaders of the various day to day work and outreach of the church.