For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. I came to you in weakness with great fear and trembling. My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power. 1 Corinthians 2:2-5 (NIV)
1. As we enter a New Year, pray that we hold knowing Him and making Him known, a high priority for our lives amidst all the other commitments and challenges that come our way. Pray that we do rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to accomplish the various things that He has in store for use. Pray for perseverance and diligence to continue to serve in the various ministries He has entrusted to us.
2. Pray for the pastoral staff as they implement a vision for discipleship for the ESC. Pray for the training of potential disciplers to start in February. Pray for unity of vision and purpose as we seek to learn from each other and try to invest in a new generation of believers and pass on some of the teachings or lessons learnt from our Lord and Saviour over the years. Pray for discernment and wisdom as we seek to pair up eventual Paul/ Timothy relationships.
3. Pray for the Art of Marriage Video conference to be held February 10 and 11. Pray that participants will gain valuable insight and wisdom from the teaching and want to solidify their own marriage. Pray for honest and transparent sharing within the couples attending as well as encouragement and renewed love and commitment for couples who might be struggling.
4. Pray for the Community Service Task force as they create and implement plans for the community service. Pray for the small groups that will be contacted regarding the potential of using our gifts and skills for service in our community.
5. Pray for the sick amongst us or for friends and relatives facing various health issues. May God's healing power be at work and also guide the health care practitioners in the services they are providing or in the decisions to made for optimum treatment.
6. Pray for our missionaries. Various updates from some of them were printed in our latest Encounters. Pray for the Lord's continued provision and sustainance. As our worker in South Asia says so eloquently. " Eight and half years ago, I had no idea that the promised of Genesis 28:15 and Matthew 19: 29 would be extended to me so literally. And no, I am not utterly alone with God...I am surrounded by joy"
7. Pray for unsaved friends, relatives or collegues at work. Pray that we will continue to build bridges and have a deeper understanding of where they are coming from as well have boldness to share about the reality of Christ's salvation at work in our lives. Pray that we will indeed be salt and light to those around us and gently point them to our Saviour and Lord.
8. Pray for those looking for jobs or facing uncertainty regarding our job situation in the midst of economic restraints and uncertainties. May we continue to learn to rely on His daily provision and persevere in our job search.
9. Pray for the student outreach event planned by C4C at the UofT campus for the end of this month. The topic is sex trafficking which will be presented by songs and skits, presentations, the presentation of a member of a major outreach organization, the testimony of a sex-trafficking survivor whose life was changed by meeting Jesus, and the presentation of the gospel as the solution to real need. Please pray for: promotion of the event; donations/funding to rent the venue, Convocation Hall; preparation of the presenters; attendance by students; preparation by UofT C4C students to invite and follow-through with those who attend; relevant and clear presentation of the gospel.