Saturday, April 11, 2009

2009 Week Sixteen

"Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen!" (Luke 24:5)

1. Praise God for the indescribable gift of his son, the Lord Jesus Christ, who suffered and died in our place, for our sin; who poured out his blood for our forgiveness; who has risen again bringing us new life! What a Saviour!

2. Please continue to pray for the April adult Sunday School classes. This is a four-class series on King David: "David: Successes and Failures." The format of this class has been dubbed by ESC Teaching ministry as "coffee with David." The idea is to sit informally, talk about some questions and themes in small groups, followed by a wrap-up by the teacher. Please pray for good attendance (promotion and invitation to young adults is happening now) and good discussion about things important for us to understand, and for the Spirit to equip us to better live and witness in our time.

3. Please pray for the administration of CCSA softball in our church. There will be 3 teams this year: one senior and two junior. Pray for the coaches and governors as they prepare for a new season. Ask the Lord to allow a smooth sign-up process. May the Lord be glorified by the fellowship and outreach of our softball teams this year

4. Youth Ministry: Please pray for the follow-up to the "30 Hour Famine" held last weekend. We look forward to the results in the effort to raise $15,000 for a World Vision project in Katwe, Uganda. Ask God to build and keep the awareness of the needs of people around the world high in our community so that we can better pray and support such efforts in an ongoing way.

5. Please pray for the upcoming ESC Spring Retreat on April 17 to 19, 2009. Ask the Lord to give participants a good time of fellowship and learning, as we spend time together and as the Lord ministers through the speaker. One challenge will be the care of the children who will be with us at the retreat during the main sessions. Pray also for the regular Sunday worship service at church for the members of our community who will not attend the retreat. May the intimacy of the smaller group of worshippers draw members close to one another and to God.

6. Please continue to pray for brothers and sisters among us who are facing challenging situations and people in the workplace. Pray especially for those who are dealing with change, and looking for new work. May the Spirit help them to make decisions concerning their jobs, and perhaps their careers. Ask the Lord to grant guidance and peace as they depend on him.

7. Please pray for the church building project:
- The fund-raising committee has asked for increased participation in the promissory note program. This is one way for supporters to lend to the church, and to satisfy the bank's requirement for the church to have $4.5 million raised in order to get the building loan.
- The fund-raising banquet will be held on Sunday, May 3, 2009. The theme is, "Touched by God's Grace, I Offer My All." Please pray for the planning of this event and the members of the fund-raising committee as they work on this. Ask the Lord to bless the project with adequate funding.
- There will be a special open-to-all meeting on Tuesday, April 14 to brainstorm how the English Speaking Community can participate in a meaningful way in the Building Project Fund-raising. Please ask the Lord to give unity and great ideas at this meeting, and a sense of excitement for doing something significant.

8. Please pray for brothers and sisters among us who are suffering. Lift up those you know who are sick or suffering before the Lord. Ask for healing and comfort, and practical things such as help from others. Ask the Lord to move any of us to respond and be those helping hands.

9. Please pray for the college/university students from our community who are into the final exam period of their academic year. Pray for perseverance and excellence as Christians fulfilling their current calling as students. Lift up their needs for summer projects and employment, also.